Contact us!
Want to get in touch with someone special at the nation? Or maybe you want to contact us anonymously? Here you will find the current information on how you can do just that!
Contact PQE for questions on finances, invoicing, cooperations, grants or if you have questions on sitting payments or such.
The Board is responsible for all activities of Wermlands Nation. Contact Styrelsen if you want to suggest cases for discussion or want the board to make a decision on an issue.
Gudrunkören is the choir-cooperation between Gudrun-nations. Contact the choir foreman for questions about the choir.
PQS is responsible for the operations, foremen and orders at the nations. Contact me if you want to discuss our operations or activities or if you are interesting in becoming active.
Husförman is responsible for our student housing. Contact them for questions on housing and question on the building or premises.
PR-Chef is responsible for the nation's social media and marketing. You can contact them for ideas, suggestions or anything else.
Election Board prepares the nation meeting, the Landskap. Contact the Election Board for questions on election or if you want to candidate for a post.
Anonymous contact
If you would like to discuss anything about a member of the Kuratel, but do not want to, or do not feel comfortable bringing the issue up directly with that person, you can always message the kurator at q@wermlandsnation.se or the board at bowling@wermlandsnation.se
You can also use the following form to contact our kurator directly and anonymously: